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in Toto Community Resource Center

A place where people are empowered to connect and thrive!

Our Mission

In Toto’s mission is to provide community centered social support to individuals with increased risk of mental health struggles to help them build confidence, make lasting connections, and achieve personal growth.

Our Vision

We aim to support learning and personal growth and fill existing gaps in services by creating a welcoming and inclusive space that provides social opportunities, support groups, advocacy and resources.

In Toto Community Resource Center, in downtown Zelienople, welcomes in-person and virtual participants from the greater Pittsburgh area and beyond. We offer a welcoming, inclusive, and non-clinical approach to mental and community social services.

“In Toto” is Latin for “all together; as a whole” and expresses our goal to help bring individuals together for greater growth.

Founded in 2008 by Mary Limbacher as Parents in Autism Resource Center, we offered parents of autistic individuals, and their children, support and connection through regular support groups and community events. In fifteen years, our programming diversified as it provided social and emotional support primarily for neurodiverse individuals of a wide range of ages, including young adults and independent living autistic adults. Toto expanded to include virtual programs in 2020, allowing us to reach individuals at home and sustained these to support those with limited access to transportation, in a wider range of locations, including rural areas. We acquired the Empowering Moms Program in early 2021, applying our community-centered mission and services to expecting and new mothers. 

A rebrand in 2022 helped usher us into our fifteenth year of service. In order to ensure a non-ableist approach to the autistic community, our Inclusive Autism Program committed to identifying with the infinity symbol and neurodiverse affirming language. Empowering Moms Program expands our community, empowers a diverse and wide array of women on their motherhood journey and helps us reach families as they begin.

All programs and services are open, non-clinical and are available to anyone, regardless of income level. Our programs are funded through grants and the generosity of corporate and private donors. As a nonprofit organization, Toto welcomes and relies on donor support to continue serving and empowering our families, friends, and neighbors.

Unlike clinical settings, there is no paperwork or clinical process at Toto and no appointment is needed. No medical treatment is provided, though an abundance of growth is experienced as individuals and families are met where they are and celebrated AS they ARE.

We invite you to visit our center and experience for yourself the community, the connection, the camaraderie that is Toto.

Helpful Links

in Toto Network For Good

Network for Good

Network for Good makes giving to charity made easy and convenient. Support your favorite charities in one place and have your records stored for tax time.

in Toto Fun Pennsylvania

Fun Pennsylvania

Click on the FunPennsylvania box and explore fun things to do in PA!

in Toto Shop


Fidgets, Awareness Magnets & Jewelry, Soy Candles, Weighted Blankets AND… Officially Licensed Scentco Inc. products!

in Toto Good Search

Good Search

Read more about our Good Search program and how simply searching and shopping online can bring you coupons and help earn money for Parents in Toto.

in Toto United Way of Allegheny County

United Way of Allegheny County

United Way of Allegheny County Contributors Choice for Parents in Toto #9691718

United Way of Butler and Beaver should write in “Parents in Toto”

in Toto Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile

With each Amazon purchase, this program directs donations to an organization of your choosing without any added cost. We also have many items that we order monthly to stock the center. Those contributions are appreociated.

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