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Donors and Sponsors

Friends of in Toto

Our deepest gratitude to all who help support and advance our mission through donations, memberships, and Sponsorships. Each gift helps Parents in Toto to empower our families, friends and neighbors living with Autism by providing support and resources as well as skills and social engagement programs.

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In Honor

Randy Sinz
From Joanie and Brian Sinz

Mary Limbacher
From Kathleen Shepard, MD

Jean Bushnick
From Janice & Barry Nathan and Myron and Sam Bushnick

Zach Petcovic
From Mrs. Timothy Barnick

Alex Lalonde
From Loretta Krebs and Timothy Holmes

Frank Longobardi
Sheryl and Lou Longobardi

In Memory

Serena Cornell
From Tracey Pejouhy, Catherine LaLonde, Nancy Latimer, Debbie Fabio, Mary & John Limbacher, Deborah Allwine, Bernard North, Rich & Leanne Cornell, Sarah & Trent Cornell, John & Maria Mitton, Barbara Cornell, Kim & Tim Peterson, Susan Szymanik

Michael Shubak
From Chris Engster, Mary Limbacher, Lisa and Mark Matousek, Kathleen Shepard, Mimi Watt

Chas Rasp
From Dorothy Bray, Sally Turkovich

Albert “Butch” McGee
From Janice Yeager, Lee & Debbie Pfeifer, Sharyn & Dave Kunsman, Colleen Pearson, and Judy Jester, Gary Rolinson, Dave and Carol Sommerville, Walter and Marge Krisa, Susan and John Allardice, Mr. and Mrs. Brent Casey, Linda and Lee Barrett, Genevieve Aten

Albert J. Shubak
From Mary & John Limbacher

Bob Sheroke
From Donna Marie Sayles, Tywana Conti, Amy Sbroglia, William Ferrari, Bill and A&I Fellow Members, Crystal Graham, Danielle Nath-Bauer, Kenneth Hines, Laura Foradori, Lenore and Thomas Cranston, Monica Orient

Brian Steinmetz
From Amy Sbroglia, Art and Inspiration, Crystal Graham, Danielle Nath-Bauer, Kenneth Hines, Laura Foradori, Lenore and Thomas Cranston, Monica Orient, William Ferrari

Patrick Campbell
From Veronica Campbell

William F. Nice
From Renee and Todd Nichols

James Maier
From Pauletta and Darwin Darilek

William Heller
Vicki L. Heller

William G. Kelleher, Jr.
Christine Taylor, Katherine Snell, Amy Sbroglia, Patricia Pieto-Dooley, Donna Peru, Debbie & Kevin McElwain, Linda McCormick, Barbara & John Linnane, James Gillick, Becky Kelleher, Theresa & J.D. Kane, James Harvey, Jean & William Harper, Laura Grimm, Joseph Gray, Jr., Gretchen & Kenneth Peterson, Peg & Bob Fennell, Orlando Crivelli, Ann & Luis Aya, David Allman, Keith Cail, Laura Grimm, Peggy Stauffer, Bethany Heney, Judy Thompson, Erin Morey Busch, Keith Kuzio, Misty Seibert, Myles McAiliney, Juliann Labor, Brian Stuart, Randy Giancola, Coy Price, Audrey Graylin, Thomas Franks, Jennifer Dittmer, Katherine Snell, James Gillick, Dana Frishkorn, Francesca D’Abarno, Rebecca Morella, Ean Livingood, Guy & Judith Dahlbeck

Kim Hall
From Creese, Smith and CO, Dana Frishkorn, Denise DiPiano, Donna Hall, Eleanor Kennedy, Ferrainolo Family, Francesco D’Abarno, Gary and Christi Barnhart, Jeff and Becky Morella, Joy Tipping, Keith and Ellen Colonna, Diane and Jerry Thomas, Mary Ann Meininger, Michael Fitzwater, WC Weil Company, Nancy Bowers, Charles and Ruth McCandless, Paul and Kathie Blinn, Remax Alliance Realty, Samuel and Alice Short, Steven and Dayna Martin, William and Susan Kastner, U-haul of Western PA

Donna Hickey
Mary Blitz, Barbara Graham, Marne Drambel, Virginia Miller, Vilma H. Page

James Carr
From Michael Baker Jr., Inc., 2014, Fiber & Cable Specialists, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Dale Keller, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mendenhall, Granville Roe, Joseph & Dorothy Roman, Dale & Wilma Meddock, Frank & Virginia Westerman, Mr. & Mrs. James Evankovich, Darlene Marek, Karen Tempalski & Frank Antonini, Mr. & Mrs. C. Gus Kwidis Michael Baker Jr., Inc., 2013

John A. “Jack” Morgan
From Lorraine Ehrhart, Maureen E. Terhorst, Larry & Linda Rottman, Jack Protetch, Diane & Robert Bowman, Maria Gill, Dave Norby, Tina Bayer, Ken Hall

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